Tuesday, November 30, 2010

I thought this image went well with both previous posts of the Othering of African Americans, and having black athletes pose as an image of a brand. Lebron Jame's can be seen in many photos have brands tied with his name. In this picture there is no brand but it is centralizing him as a person to just being that of an athlete and nothing more. The magazine is clearly showing off her dress, and as many know Vogue is not one for having pictures of star athletes in their sport apparel. I also found the wording of white supremacy in this article such as a dagger being slashed in our society. We are surrounded by advertising that directly Others those who are not white. I found this image to have a direct affect of Othering Lebron James who is a celebrity in our society for his amazing ability to play basketball in a non intentional way. “For it is the ever present reality of racist domination, of white supremacy, that renders problematic the desire of white people to have contact with the Other. Often it is this reality that is most masked when representations of contact between white and non-white, white and black, appear to mass culture” (371). After reading Hooks article this really resounded to the advertisements I had found. In most of the photos of white women that I found searching on Google there was a type of Othering done in their background, whether it’s of an African American person or having people in the background dressed up like animals or savages to further the forefront image of the white model. Even in the photos of African American women that I found in the search they were Othered by their attire or makeup that was placed on them for the photo shoot.

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