Sunday, November 21, 2010

post class 11/21

On Thursday in class we discussed Michel Foucault’s essay and one of his main points was the notion of the panopticon. One of the examples that were showed in class was a picture of a prison scene and it showed a tower that every cell could see. A quote from the reading that explains this further is when he says “Inspection functions ceaselessly” (94). The idea that discipline can function without violence. Even though the people in the cells are being watched can work if there is someone is in the tower or not. This follows the idea of surveillance. We talked about many examples of this and one that the class came up with and talked about more was security at the airport. They are finding more and more ways to try and strengthen the security there.

Another quote that we talked about in class was “Our society is one not of spectacle, but of surveillance” (101). He is not saying that our society is not a spectacle but it is looked at through the idea of surveillance and not spectacle. We related this to Laura Mulvey’s “gaze” reading in that the gaze is related to the idea of surveillance.

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