Thursday, October 28, 2010

Hebdige Post Class

I like today's class discussion about subcultures-- actually, I just really like subcultures in general. I've always loved music and I feel like it's a focal point for any subculture- hipsters, punk, goth, whatever. For awhile in high school I was all about the metal genre, and it definitely gives a feeling of beloning when you're super involved. Body modifications are getting bigger and bigger as a subculture, while at the same time they're pretty normal. The images above are a prime example of what we were talking about though. There's a huge difference between the scarification on a tribal member and a Star Wars fan (participatory culture on a WHOLE new level, yeah?) I mean, that's seriously LITERALLY carved into the skin. No thank you.

I didn't get a chance to say this in class, but in relationship to the above pictures, it reminds me of when we talked about"aura" and originality that Benjamin talked about. I mean, Yoda's pretty cool and all, but it doesn't have a some deep intellectual meaning. The tribal villager's picture didn't have a description, but the culture is completely different. Something is lost when we make things so mainstream, and I've never been a fan of that. But what isn't anymore, honestly? Somewhere, it's been made completely normal and accepted. Grafitti artists get worldwide recognition now, rather than having to hide in the shadows.

I went to the mall today to find a Halloween costume, so I went inside Hot Topic really quickly. It was, in short, EMBARRASSING. Silly bands and Taylor Swift was not what that company was a few years ago. Granted, teen culture is definitely changing, but I'm way more partial to my adolescence.

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