Sunday, October 3, 2010

Post blog- The Loud Family

This past week, we went over Baudrillard and Zizek. We discussed the concept of The Loud Family and the statement “what would happen if TV hadn’t been there?” As a young child, I had a television but during the day, my parents would force me to play outside. Looking back I am really thankful that my parents did this. Even though I was practically an only child since my brothers were older and already at college, I made friends with all the kids on the neighborhood and came up with fun and active games. I remember one boy in the neighborhood who would only ever want to watch television and play video games. He never wanted to do anything else. Later in life I became a ski instructor and taught racing to kids of the age of 8.9.10. I think it is really important for parents to get their children involved in sports and other activities. It forces them to be outside and learn to be social which I think is something important for the future. I would get the students I taught to help me come up with fun games that would also promote progress in their ski technique.

I’m a person who likes to be disconnected from her phone. The only problem is my family gets mad when they cannot reach me and my friends get mad because they think I am ignoring them. That aspect makes it all the more harder to disconnect. I think that with our generation in particular, people do not like being disconnected and they can’t stand the thought of being alone. People use technology such as television, computers, and video games to feel as though they have that sense of being connected to others. People use facebook to feel like they are constantly connected to friends and people use television to relate to the characters. I’ve seen instances where young teenagers start trying to act like the characters they see portrayed on popular television shows. They want to dress like them and act like them which doesn’t allow them to be their true selves. They look up to these characters and celebrities as models and as the people that they want to be. This shows how television has such a large impact in shaping us, especially at a young age when we are so impressionable.

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