Saturday, October 23, 2010

Post Class- Marx and Althusser

I found this picture stumbling- I didn't get it at first because I don't play video games, but it's a compilation between Toy Story's Buzz and Woody and the video games Mass Effect and Red Dead Redemption. The difference between parody and satire is a hard one to discern, but I believe this one would be labeled as satire. Toy Story is supposed to be for children- funloving and happy. For a Disney movie, there isn't any more violence than usual, but there is the presence of violence and masculine characters. It's actually one of the only Disney movies with two men as main characters. The alpha-male fight for power between Buzz and Woody is a focal point of the first Toy Story in particular. The addition of the two ultra-violent super-hegemonically masculine characters from video games accentuates the violence found in the Disney movie. I thought it was pretty interesting.

I felt a little bit better about ideology after Thursday's class... knowing that I wasn't the only one a little disappointed that I'm now revealed to the social constructs in my society. I really liked Althusser because I felt like we were going back to CMC 100 and to the intimacies of what the major is all about, and why it matters. To understand anything else in this entire major we need to fully understand what Althusser is saying. I also got to thinking about Marx, more specifically the difference between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat. Those same social constructs can be found in today's society- I feel like now more than ever the rich are staying rich and the poor are getting poorer, albeit there are serious cases of rich people watching their lives go down the drain after the tough economic slump. If all of this is so readily available to learn, I just want to know why, if the less fortunate are a majority, things aren't taking a turn.

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