Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The discussion of reality and how people choose to believe through comfort what the media portrays brought to mind many thoughts of war especially the Governments control over the content we have been able to see and the highly restricted coverage of the war at whole.

The reality experienced can be different from one person to another. We only know what we are given the ability to know and find comfort in this.

In a culture, which is so technologically advanced we are consumed with the products and consumerist items revolving our worlds and find comfort in them just as we find comfort in the power and control of these few media conglomerates.

At a larger scale, devastating outcomes can come through the misrepresentation of what is “reality”. How the media depicts nationalities, for example, conditions us to feel a certain way and to function in a way because how someone looks, there nationality represents something much larger; the media creates this Stigma. The fear in this is all of these things make us into something that is the product of the media and this than creates a larger issue in how we function in all realms of our lives for the rest of our lives.

The website below I found to be very interesting in mentioning how the wealth of someone can create mass power which I believe to be the same as the few media conglomerates continuously repeating the content which will keep them in a position of power and reality is thus created by the few.


“We all know some famous rich people who have become wealthy as a result of the network they built. We know Bill Gates (Microsoft), Sam Walton (Walmart) and Jeff Bezos (Amazon).
Robert Kiyosaki’s Rich Dad had a hero who became very rich by building his own network. This man is better known for the product he perfected, but really became rich because of the network he built across the world. Even today, many of us think Thomas Edison invented the light bulb, but in actuality he only improved and perfected the light bulb. His true stroke of genius was to create a company
that strung electrical lines that allowed the light bulb to penetrate society. His network made him, Thomas Edison, a multimillionaire!”

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