Thursday, September 23, 2010

Pre Habermas 9/22/10

"Specifically, the idea of being 'modern' by looking back to the ancients changed with the belief, inspired by modern science, in the infinite process of knowledge and in the infinite advance towards social and moral betterment."

In the readings Modernity- An Incomplete project, i learned about the ways "modern" came about. How it was used for the term of present and first spoken by the Christians in the fifth century. But what is really modern? how can we define when things are modern and when they are not. Modernity has gone in many directions such as avant garde movements or architecture. These different types of modernity show us how diverse the term modern can be and where it can take our generation next. When deciding weather something is modern or not you must use the past in order to tell the future. There are many details in the past that describe what is going on in the future. Benjamin does a great job of connecting the relationship between modernity and history by putting the name of " post historic attitude". Going back to the French Revolution and not forgetting our past of fashion.

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