Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Post Class

I really enjoyed class discussion today about Baudrillard. So many movies are indirectly based off of Baudrillard's theories. One ofthem directly being the Matrix as we discussed in class and another one that came to my mind was The Day after Tomorrow. The Day after Tomorrow is all about what could possibly happen to our world some day. Of course now it is all fake and images made up by men. But we could argue that 9/11 has already happened in our (or at least some peoples minds) before it actually really happened. I am sure there were people out there that may have once dreamed about planes crashing into the World Trade Center - there are even movies out there that indirectly relate to 9/11. The Day after Tomorrow is more than just simulacric. The images of New York city going under may have no relationship to reality now but yet theentire movie is related in a way to real situations, such as tornados and tsunamis - they just don't happen to that extend that the world is being destroyed. It is a scary thought though isn't it?!

The age of postmodernity has been able to imagine, create, simulate and copy such crazy images into our heads that we sometimes lose touch of what is real or could be real. Or it simply makes us question, what is really real?

Media especially can trick us into what is real and simulacra.
For example those three images during war that Lindsey put up are crazy. Media could do whatever they want and create three completely different stories. It all depends on where they want us to look.

I found this media example of two people dressed up like Avatars and their board reading: 'Save the real avatar tribe.' Avatar is a great 3D fictional movie that has been created out of James Cameron's mind. This is NOT real but watching that movie in 3D seems so close to real. Some people like to believe so much in something (that is not real) and simulate it - like this people here. Just like we were talking in class about how some people believe they have been to Paris to see the Eiffel Tower, although they just saw it in Las Vegas. Same thing right? Haha well not exactly! But maybe our world has come so far that we just don't need the 'real' thing anymore and are satisfied with what at least looks to be real. If people like to believe they are Avatar then let them - but they probably have lost touch reality...

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