Sunday, September 19, 2010

Post Class Response

This week as we studied Benjamin multiple perspectives and ideas seemed just as relevant when he was writing as they do today. Specifically, Benjamin’s focus on the lack of importance in our society when is comes to authenticity seemed to resonate. It really intrigued me how deeply he studied something so important yet so lost in our society. Overall, our society could care less about the original anything. It seems, as we discussed that the people who have any originals of anything only do it for status amongst their social circle with the exception of the few people who truly take pride in their love of something and therefore care about having the original. However, things that used t only have value do to their uniqueness or talent, now have a sticker price like everything else, thus making it nearly impossible to obtain an original of anything. Or maybe now the originals, because their value is so high aren’t even for sale because they are locked away in a museum setting so people from far places can gather to observe the original. However, I don’t believe many people care to take the time, money or effort to see the original anything when they ca have a copy or better yet a photo.
This really hit home for me because my dad collects very rare French posters, but only the originals. Every year he travels to France to get his hands on as many as possible but usually only comes back with one or two. After we did this reading I asked my dad why he didn’t just collect the copies after all he could probable just mail order them, saving yet again time, money, and effort. He was in shock that I would ever ask such a question, he exclaimed that going to France, to the little tiny villages where these posters are created and buying them from the artist or designer or someone who knew them is what makes the experience and his collection rare. And then I realized that is exactly what Benjamin discussed in his article and we touched upon in class. He also enlightened me in saying even if it would cost less and not take time away from his real job and his family if he could mail order the originals he wouldn’t do it. He was very adamant about the experience and how much it meant to him. Maybe, there is hope that one day people will truly care about the original.

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