Friday, September 10, 2010

Pierre Macherey

Before going into class on Thursday September, 9th I was trying to make a hypothesis of what we would be talking about in class. As the reading of Macherey were difficult to understand due to his creative language and deep theories. I figured the class on Thursday would be breaking quotes on Macherey down into little pieces while talking it out as a class to figure it out on our own. In class we will talk about language as producing images. Without even thinking about it, people immediately put an image in their heads when they think of a word. Also while reading a Macherey text there are many ways of interpretation. Because the text is so indepth and theories are complicated every person can have a different idea of what Macherey is talking about. Macherey himself is also very disconnected from his text because when there is a variety of interpretation you loose the meaning of what he was trying to say. I realized with Macherey there is a lot of room for interpretation. People can see the readings in many different ways which could be confusing.

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